NACDA Delegation China Academic Exchange Visit: Shandong Dermatology Institute


The exchange programs were well organized by the hosts. Hospitality was very warm and memorable. Impressed by their clinical, research and educational progresses.


Dr. Furen Zhang, director of the institute and vice chair of provincial medical institute board introduced the history and progress of the institution.



NACDA delegation speakers were Drs. An Yen from California, Huachen from New York, Kehua Li from New Jersey, Hong Jiang from Connecticut, Hongyu Young from Indiana, Yan Alex Zhang from Cleveland and Limin Yu for Michigan, USA. A local guest speaker Dr. Shunwei Wu from Shandong University was also presented his promising story as a oversea returnee.


Q & A session


Pathology slide review with our delegation members, Drs. Jianping Cai and Feng Luo.


Before welcome reception diner, provincial medical institute board officials including Dr. Furen Zhang, host of this visit were greeting our delegation members , Drs. Huachen Wei and Kehua Li. All or them are dear local folks now and then.